For most of my life, I was an atheist. before, I was a Christian. Now, in my 30s, I’m exploring Buddhism.
I started meditating about six months ago. I began with simple breathing exercises, like inhaling and exhaling in a rhythmic pattern counting each beat. I focused on the sensation of cool and warm air moving through my nostrils.
Over time, I stopped counting and focused solely on the act of breathing. Breathing is amazing! It’s where our conscious and unconscious minds meet. It’s controlled by the medulla, a part of our brain.
I’ve been reading books on Buddhism for a year and meditating for six months. I didn’t believe in the supernatural aspects of Buddhism, but I appreciated its grounded approach and the emphasis on practicing for yourself to see if the ideas work. And they did!
One day, while meditating, I felt a tingling sensation in the center of my forehead. I thought it was just stress relief. But the sensation got stronger and lasted longer each day. As I write this, 30 minutes after my last meditation, it’s still there.
One other day, something incredible happened.
While meditating, the tingling became more intense, circling around the top of my head. My eyes closed, and I saw a brilliant blue light, not quite the color, but still very blue. It was hard to describe. It was surrounded by a white/gold ring. I felt my hair stand on end as a warm, pulsing energy flowed through my body, from my head to my toes. It was unlike any physical sensation I’ve ever had. It was like getting the first hug from your crush. It was like your first kiss. It was like the world enveloping you in the arms of a powerful breeze.
So, I had this mind-blowing experience that I couldn’t quite put into words. I tried searching online, and guess what? I found that many people have had similar feelings. Check out this link:
There are all sorts of theories out there, but none of them really hit the nail on the head. I mean, I tried my best to describe it, but it’s just so hard to put into words.
Anyway, I decided to reach out to the local Zen Buddhism monastery. I tried to explain what happened to them, and they were super understanding. They even invited me to join their beginner class! They couldn’t offer an answer via email, which I soon understood why.
The monastery
On a chilly Thursday evening, I drove to the monastery. Everyone there was so friendly and welcoming. I was a bit nervous, but I felt right at home.
They showed me how to meditate and how to respect the elders who built and maintain the place. They even let me join their class even though I hadn’t been there for the previous lessons.
I got some books, tea, and support, so I made sure to come back the next time with a book I had finished and a small bouquet of flowers. I spent 30 minutes talking to the Shifu and 45 minutes meditating.
Current era
I still don’t know exactly what I experienced, but I’m on the hunt for answers. I get why explanations can’t be sent in emails – there’s just too much context that I wouldn’t understand. But I’m learning and growing, and I’m starting to believe in the idea of a spiritual element to life. I’ve made some great friends who guide me on this kind and wholesome path.
I don’t know if this message has any real purpose, but maybe it’s for you to keep an open mind and be willing to change your beliefs when new evidence comes along. Maybe you should listen to messages from God, the Buddha, or whatever entity might be communicating with you. Take some time to look inward and find the answers that lie beyond your understanding.